World energy 2050, 31TWy. Source of all energy from electricity, fraction of energy consumption from fuel and sector efficiency unchanged from 2013.
World Energy 2050 Sankey from Excel
This Sankey diagram shows the elements required for an electricity based fossil fuel free energy system and the flow of energy between these elements from source on the left to destination on the right. The elements can be dragged up and down vertically to tidy up the crossings. Dragging the distribution element in this diagram down to the bottom tidies things up a bit. Hovering over a link or element highlights it and the number in the bracket shows the energy in Terra Watt years. Electricity is blue, fuel is beige, useful is green, rejected is red.
This is a baseline case that assumes energy use between fuel and electricity in the four sectors, transportation, industrial, residential and commercial remain as it is today. This is highly unlikely in a world where energy from daylight electricity costs a fraction of electricity from synthetic fuel. If electricity storage, battery technology or fuel cell technology do not improve significantly, and fuel synthesis scales reasonably, this scenario is reasonable
This scenario has 31TWy of primary energy from electricity, compared to the EIA baseline projection of 33TWy of energy, 75% from fossil fuels.
This is a baseline case that assumes energy use between fuel and electricity in the four sectors, transportation, industrial, residential and commercial remain as it is today. This is highly unlikely in a world where energy from daylight electricity costs a fraction of electricity from synthetic fuel. If electricity storage, battery technology or fuel cell technology do not improve significantly, and fuel synthesis scales reasonably, this scenario is reasonable
This scenario has 31TWy of primary energy from electricity, compared to the EIA baseline projection of 33TWy of energy, 75% from fossil fuels.